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our leaders:
Pastor Henry J. Brown 
Minister Erma C. Brown

A Man of God


Pastor Henry J. Brown


In November 1986, Pastor Henry J. Brown accepted his calling to preach the gospel. In February 1987, Pastor Brown preached his first sermon from Matthew 7:7-8 entitled, "An Invitation to Christ." Pastor Henry J. Brown has a tremendous passion for God's wprd coupled with a love for God's people. He has a contagious spirit of generosity that flows through every facet of his ministry. Having received his mandate from God, Pastor Brown, obediently fulfills his calling as Pastor of First Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church and Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He is committed to creating and cultivating an authentic church experience that glorfies God and exceeds all expectations. His unwavering faith and compassion for God, allows him to empower God's people with purpose and praise to continue yeilding great results in the kingdom of God.


Pastor Brown is united in holy matrimony with First Lady Minister Erma C. Brown. They are proud grandparents as they have reared three beautiful adults; Mrs. TeMeisha (Terris) Mackey, Mr. Torynce Brown, and Mr. Terol (Callener) Brown. They love and cherish their adorable grandchildren.

our Ministers:
Minister Gerald Boatner
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Minister Mary Johnson
Minister Glenda Williams
Minister Wanda Robinson
Minister Eleanor Faust
Golden Leaves

First Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church leaders and congregation publicly express our deepest gratitude for your generous support, Minister / Officer Randell  Cunningham and Mental Health Counselor Amanda Taylor .  Our impulse extend gratitude and solemn joy more urgent than that of returning thanks.


Mental Health Counselor

Amanda Taylor


Minister/ Officer

Randell Cunningham

Leadership Gratitude
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